grave (1)
= grave accent
graafiline märk, üla-kaldkriipsuke vasakult paremale
(1a) diakriitilise abimärgina: tähe peal, tavaliselt rõhu tähisena
Merriam-Webster, noun (2):
: a grave accent ` used to show that a vowel is pronounced with a fall of pitch (as in ancient Greek), that a vowel has a certain quality (such as è in French), that a final e is stressed and close and that a final o is stressed and low (as in Italian), that a syllable has a degree of stress between maximum and minimum (as in phonetic transcription), or that the e of the English ending -ed is to be pronounced (as in "this cursèd day")
(1b) programmeerimisel: eraldi märgina, teatava jutumärkide liigina (backtick, back quote) kontekstist sõltuvas tähenduses, näiteks käsuasenduse tähisena
= in programming: as a separate character, as a certain type of quotation mark (backtick, back quote) in a context-dependent sense, for example as a command replacement symbol