capture subject habituation
hõivesubjekti vilumus

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriahõivesubjektil olev biomeetrilise hõive protsessi tundmise aste
(i) biomeetriahõivesubjekti, kes on oluliselt tuttav biomeetrilise hõive protsessiga, loetakse vilunud hõivesubjektiks
(ii) vilumust saab omandada süsteemi kasutamisega või teiste kasutamist vaadeldes
= degree of familiarity of a biometric capture subject with the biometric capture process
Note 1. A biometric capture subject with substantial familiarity with the biometric capture process is referred to as a habituated capture subject.
Note 2. Habituation can be acquired through system use or observation of use by others.

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capture subject habituation
hõivesubjekti vilumus

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriahõivesubjektil olev biomeetrilise hõive protsessi tundmise aste
(i) biomeetriahõivesubjekti, kes on oluliselt tuttav biomeetrilise hõive protsessiga, loetakse vilunud hõivesubjektiks
(ii) vilumust saab omandada süsteemi kasutamisega või teiste kasutamist vaadeldes
= degree of familiarity of a biometric capture subject with the biometric capture process
Note 1. A biometric capture subject with substantial familiarity with the biometric capture process is referred to as a habituated capture subject.
Note 2. Habituation can be acquired through system use or observation of use by others.

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capture subject habituation
hõivesubjekti vilumus

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriahõivesubjektil olev biomeetrilise hõive protsessi tundmise aste
(i) biomeetriahõivesubjekti, kes on oluliselt tuttav biomeetrilise hõive protsessiga, loetakse vilunud hõivesubjektiks
(ii) vilumust saab omandada süsteemi kasutamisega või teiste kasutamist vaadeldes
= degree of familiarity of a biometric capture subject with the biometric capture process
Note 1. A biometric capture subject with substantial familiarity with the biometric capture process is referred to as a habituated capture subject.
Note 2. Habituation can be acquired through system use or observation of use by others.

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.