biometric verification
biomeetriline kontroll; biomeetriline kinnitus
Õ: ISO/IEC 2382 taunib autentimiseks nimetamist
ISO/IEC 2382-37:2022:
protsess biomeetriaväitele kinnituse taotlemiseks biomeetrilise võrdlusega
(i) "kontroll" tähendab siin biomeetrilise tuvastuse kontrolli
(ii) termini "autentimine" kasutamine biomeetrilise kontrolli tähenduses on ebasoovitatav
= process of confirming a biometric claim through comparison
Note 1. The term “verification”, in the above definition refers to verifying biometrics.
Note 2. Use of the term “authentication” as a substitute for biometric verification is deprecated.
vt ka
- biomeetriline tuvastus