jump (1)

siire; hüpe

Wiktionary, noun:
14 (mathematics) a discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity
15 (physics, hydrodynamics) an abrupt increase in the height of the surface of a flowing liquid at the location where the flow transitions from supercritical to subcritical, involving an abrupt reduction in flow speed and increase in turbulence
17 (programming) a change of the path of execution to a different location

ISO/IEC 2382:
kõrvalekalle käskude või lausete järjestikku äitmisest;
siirde põhjustab sellekohane käsk või lause, erinevalt asünkroonsest katkestusest või erandi tekitatud katkestusest, mille puhul juhtimine antakse üle erandiprotsessorile
= a departure from the sequential *execution of instructions or statements
Note.A jump is caused by an appropriate instruction or statement, in contrast to asynchronous interruption or interruption due to an exception where control is transferred to an exception handler.

Toimub laadimine

jump (1)

siire; hüpe

Wiktionary, noun:
14 (mathematics) a discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity
15 (physics, hydrodynamics) an abrupt increase in the height of the surface of a flowing liquid at the location where the flow transitions from supercritical to subcritical, involving an abrupt reduction in flow speed and increase in turbulence
17 (programming) a change of the path of execution to a different location

ISO/IEC 2382:
kõrvalekalle käskude või lausete järjestikku äitmisest;
siirde põhjustab sellekohane käsk või lause, erinevalt asünkroonsest katkestusest või erandi tekitatud katkestusest, mille puhul juhtimine antakse üle erandiprotsessorile
= a departure from the sequential *execution of instructions or statements
Note.A jump is caused by an appropriate instruction or statement, in contrast to asynchronous interruption or interruption due to an exception where control is transferred to an exception handler.

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jump (1)

siire; hüpe

Wiktionary, noun:
14 (mathematics) a discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity
15 (physics, hydrodynamics) an abrupt increase in the height of the surface of a flowing liquid at the location where the flow transitions from supercritical to subcritical, involving an abrupt reduction in flow speed and increase in turbulence
17 (programming) a change of the path of execution to a different location

ISO/IEC 2382:
kõrvalekalle käskude või lausete järjestikku äitmisest;
siirde põhjustab sellekohane käsk või lause, erinevalt asünkroonsest katkestusest või erandi tekitatud katkestusest, mille puhul juhtimine antakse üle erandiprotsessorile
= a departure from the sequential *execution of instructions or statements
Note.A jump is caused by an appropriate instruction or statement, in contrast to asynchronous interruption or interruption due to an exception where control is transferred to an exception handler.

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