file (3)
esitama (2); registrisse kandma
Wiktionary, verb:
1. (transitive) to commit (official papers) to some office
5. (intransitive, with for, chiefly law) to submit a formal request to some office
file a bill -- hagiavaldust esitama
file a business -- äriettevõtet registreerima
file a challenge -- vaiet esitama
file a complaint -- kaebust esitama
file a petition -- taotlust esitama
file a report -- aruannet esitama
file a suit -- hagi esitama
file an application for a patent -- patenditaotlust esitama
file an income tax -- tuludeklaratsiooni esitama
file proof -- tõendeid esitama
vt ka
- esitama (1)