vastastikkus, mõlemapoolsus

1. the characteristic of being reciprocal, e.g. of a relationship between people
3. a relation of mutual dependence or action or influence
5. (international law) the mutual exchange of rights, privileges or obligations between nations
6. (psychology) the responses of individuals to the actions of others

ISO/IEC 17000:
seos kahe teineteise suhtes samade õiguste ja kohustustega
poole vahel; on võimalik ka mitmepoolses kokkuleppes,
mis on kahepoolsete vastastikuste seoste võrk;
poolte õigused ja kohustused on küll samad, kuid
neist võivad tuleneda erisugused võimalused,
mis viivad poolte ebavõrdsuseni
= relationship between two parties, where both have the same rights and obligations towards each other
Note 1. Reciprocity can exist within a multilateral arrangement, comprising a network of bilateral reciprocal relationships.
Note 2 Although the rights and obligations of the parties are the same, opportunities emanating from them can differ. This can lead to unequal relationships between parties.


Toimub laadimine

vastastikkus, mõlemapoolsus

1. the characteristic of being reciprocal, e.g. of a relationship between people
3. a relation of mutual dependence or action or influence
5. (international law) the mutual exchange of rights, privileges or obligations between nations
6. (psychology) the responses of individuals to the actions of others

ISO/IEC 17000:
seos kahe teineteise suhtes samade õiguste ja kohustustega
poole vahel; on võimalik ka mitmepoolses kokkuleppes,
mis on kahepoolsete vastastikuste seoste võrk;
poolte õigused ja kohustused on küll samad, kuid
neist võivad tuleneda erisugused võimalused,
mis viivad poolte ebavõrdsuseni
= relationship between two parties, where both have the same rights and obligations towards each other
Note 1. Reciprocity can exist within a multilateral arrangement, comprising a network of bilateral reciprocal relationships.
Note 2 Although the rights and obligations of the parties are the same, opportunities emanating from them can differ. This can lead to unequal relationships between parties.


Palun oodake...


vastastikkus, mõlemapoolsus

1. the characteristic of being reciprocal, e.g. of a relationship between people
3. a relation of mutual dependence or action or influence
5. (international law) the mutual exchange of rights, privileges or obligations between nations
6. (psychology) the responses of individuals to the actions of others

ISO/IEC 17000:
seos kahe teineteise suhtes samade õiguste ja kohustustega
poole vahel; on võimalik ka mitmepoolses kokkuleppes,
mis on kahepoolsete vastastikuste seoste võrk;
poolte õigused ja kohustused on küll samad, kuid
neist võivad tuleneda erisugused võimalused,
mis viivad poolte ebavõrdsuseni
= relationship between two parties, where both have the same rights and obligations towards each other
Note 1. Reciprocity can exist within a multilateral arrangement, comprising a network of bilateral reciprocal relationships.
Note 2 Although the rights and obligations of the parties are the same, opportunities emanating from them can differ. This can lead to unequal relationships between parties.


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