mount (1)
tõusma; tõstma; kasvama

Wiktionary, verb:
1. (transitive) to get upon; to ascend; to climb
to mount stairs
8. (intransitive, sometimes with up) to increase in quantity or intensity
The bills mounted up and the business failed. 
There is mounting tension in Crimea.

Toimub laadimine

mount (1)
tõusma; tõstma; kasvama

Wiktionary, verb:
1. (transitive) to get upon; to ascend; to climb
to mount stairs
8. (intransitive, sometimes with up) to increase in quantity or intensity
The bills mounted up and the business failed. 
There is mounting tension in Crimea.

Palun oodake...


mount (1)
tõusma; tõstma; kasvama

Wiktionary, verb:
1. (transitive) to get upon; to ascend; to climb
to mount stairs
8. (intransitive, sometimes with up) to increase in quantity or intensity
The bills mounted up and the business failed. 
There is mounting tension in Crimea.

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.