oma- (2)

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
seotud sama biomeetriku
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetrilise etaloni paari
pärinemisega samalt biomeetriaandmesubjektilt
Märkus 1 "Ühtivus" on biomeetrilise võrdlusotsuse tulemus,
kuid "oma-" on väide, mis põhinebbiomeetriavälisel teabel
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetriaetaloni allika päritolu kohta.
= of or having to do with a paired biometric probe and biometric reference that are from the same biometric characteristic of the same biometric data subject
Note. While "match" is the result of a biometric comparison decision, "mated" is a statement, based on non-biometric information, concerning the origin of the source of the biometric probe and the biometric reference.

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oma- (2)

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
seotud sama biomeetriku
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetrilise etaloni paari
pärinemisega samalt biomeetriaandmesubjektilt
Märkus 1 "Ühtivus" on biomeetrilise võrdlusotsuse tulemus,
kuid "oma-" on väide, mis põhinebbiomeetriavälisel teabel
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetriaetaloni allika päritolu kohta.
= of or having to do with a paired biometric probe and biometric reference that are from the same biometric characteristic of the same biometric data subject
Note. While "match" is the result of a biometric comparison decision, "mated" is a statement, based on non-biometric information, concerning the origin of the source of the biometric probe and the biometric reference.

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oma- (2)

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
seotud sama biomeetriku
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetrilise etaloni paari
pärinemisega samalt biomeetriaandmesubjektilt
Märkus 1 "Ühtivus" on biomeetrilise võrdlusotsuse tulemus,
kuid "oma-" on väide, mis põhinebbiomeetriavälisel teabel
biomeetriateimiku ja biomeetriaetaloni allika päritolu kohta.
= of or having to do with a paired biometric probe and biometric reference that are from the same biometric characteristic of the same biometric data subject
Note. While "match" is the result of a biometric comparison decision, "mated" is a statement, based on non-biometric information, concerning the origin of the source of the biometric probe and the biometric reference.

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