rotation (2)

süstemaatiline tsükliline ümberpaigutamine

3. a regular variation in a sequence, such as to even-out wear, or people taking turns in a task; a duty roster
Applying crop rotation to a field avoids depleting soil nutrients the way repeated use of a single crop might do.
In rotation, each member of the group would be responsible for the beacon fire.
The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.

vt ka
- DNS-rotatsioon
- töötajate rotatsioon

Toimub laadimine

rotation (2)

süstemaatiline tsükliline ümberpaigutamine

3. a regular variation in a sequence, such as to even-out wear, or people taking turns in a task; a duty roster
Applying crop rotation to a field avoids depleting soil nutrients the way repeated use of a single crop might do.
In rotation, each member of the group would be responsible for the beacon fire.
The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.

vt ka
- DNS-rotatsioon
- töötajate rotatsioon

Palun oodake...


rotation (2)

süstemaatiline tsükliline ümberpaigutamine

3. a regular variation in a sequence, such as to even-out wear, or people taking turns in a task; a duty roster
Applying crop rotation to a field avoids depleting soil nutrients the way repeated use of a single crop might do.
In rotation, each member of the group would be responsible for the beacon fire.
The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.

vt ka
- DNS-rotatsioon
- töötajate rotatsioon

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