reinforcement (2)
motiveerimine; õhutamine

2c: a response to someone's behavior that is intended to make that person more likely to behave that way again
// positive/negative reinforcement
3: psychology : the action of causing a subject to learn to give or to increase the frequency of a desired response that in classical conditioning involves the repeated presentation of an unconditioned stimulus (such as the sight of food) paired with a conditioned stimulus (such as the sound of a bell) and that in operant conditioning involves the use of a reward following a correct response or a punishment following an incorrect response
also : the reward, punishment, or unconditioned stimulus used in reinforcement

reinforce, verb
3. (transitive) to encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.
Advertising for fast food can reinforce unhealthy dietary tendencies.

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reinforcement (2)
motiveerimine; õhutamine

2c: a response to someone's behavior that is intended to make that person more likely to behave that way again
// positive/negative reinforcement
3: psychology : the action of causing a subject to learn to give or to increase the frequency of a desired response that in classical conditioning involves the repeated presentation of an unconditioned stimulus (such as the sight of food) paired with a conditioned stimulus (such as the sound of a bell) and that in operant conditioning involves the use of a reward following a correct response or a punishment following an incorrect response
also : the reward, punishment, or unconditioned stimulus used in reinforcement

reinforce, verb
3. (transitive) to encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.
Advertising for fast food can reinforce unhealthy dietary tendencies.

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reinforcement (2)
motiveerimine; õhutamine

2c: a response to someone's behavior that is intended to make that person more likely to behave that way again
// positive/negative reinforcement
3: psychology : the action of causing a subject to learn to give or to increase the frequency of a desired response that in classical conditioning involves the repeated presentation of an unconditioned stimulus (such as the sight of food) paired with a conditioned stimulus (such as the sound of a bell) and that in operant conditioning involves the use of a reward following a correct response or a punishment following an incorrect response
also : the reward, punishment, or unconditioned stimulus used in reinforcement

reinforce, verb
3. (transitive) to encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.
Advertising for fast food can reinforce unhealthy dietary tendencies.

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