one-to-many search

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriakandidaadistiku või võrdlusotsuse saamise protsess, milles otsitakse ühe biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriateimikut(-teimikuid) mitme biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriliste etalonide järgi
Märkus 1 Termin "otsitakse" tähendab biomeetrilist otsingut.
Märkus 2 Tulem biomeetriakandidaadistikuna või võrdlusotsusena eeldab mingi poliitika rakendamist.
= process in which biometric probe(s) of one biometric data subject is searched against the biometric references of more than one biometric data subject to return a biometric candidate list or a comparison decision
Note 1.The term “searched”, in the above definition, refers to biometric search.
Note 2. Output of a biometric candidate list or the comparison decision implies implementation of a policy.

ISO/IEC 19794:
comparison process in which a biometric sample set of one individual is compared against the biometric references of more than one individual to return a set of comparison scores
Note 1. A biometric identification function performs a one-to-many search.
Note 2: In the case of a multimodal biometric system, biometric sample and biometric reference in the above definition comprise individual biométrie samples/references of the component modalities.
Note 3 to entry: The degree of similarity may be specified on the basis of comparison score and/or rank.

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one-to-many search

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriakandidaadistiku või võrdlusotsuse saamise protsess, milles otsitakse ühe biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriateimikut(-teimikuid) mitme biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriliste etalonide järgi
Märkus 1 Termin "otsitakse" tähendab biomeetrilist otsingut.
Märkus 2 Tulem biomeetriakandidaadistikuna või võrdlusotsusena eeldab mingi poliitika rakendamist.
= process in which biometric probe(s) of one biometric data subject is searched against the biometric references of more than one biometric data subject to return a biometric candidate list or a comparison decision
Note 1.The term “searched”, in the above definition, refers to biometric search.
Note 2. Output of a biometric candidate list or the comparison decision implies implementation of a policy.

ISO/IEC 19794:
comparison process in which a biometric sample set of one individual is compared against the biometric references of more than one individual to return a set of comparison scores
Note 1. A biometric identification function performs a one-to-many search.
Note 2: In the case of a multimodal biometric system, biometric sample and biometric reference in the above definition comprise individual biométrie samples/references of the component modalities.
Note 3 to entry: The degree of similarity may be specified on the basis of comparison score and/or rank.

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one-to-many search

ISO/IEC 2382-37:
biomeetriakandidaadistiku või võrdlusotsuse saamise protsess, milles otsitakse ühe biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriateimikut(-teimikuid) mitme biomeetriaandmesubjekti biomeetriliste etalonide järgi
Märkus 1 Termin "otsitakse" tähendab biomeetrilist otsingut.
Märkus 2 Tulem biomeetriakandidaadistikuna või võrdlusotsusena eeldab mingi poliitika rakendamist.
= process in which biometric probe(s) of one biometric data subject is searched against the biometric references of more than one biometric data subject to return a biometric candidate list or a comparison decision
Note 1.The term “searched”, in the above definition, refers to biometric search.
Note 2. Output of a biometric candidate list or the comparison decision implies implementation of a policy.

ISO/IEC 19794:
comparison process in which a biometric sample set of one individual is compared against the biometric references of more than one individual to return a set of comparison scores
Note 1. A biometric identification function performs a one-to-many search.
Note 2: In the case of a multimodal biometric system, biometric sample and biometric reference in the above definition comprise individual biométrie samples/references of the component modalities.
Note 3 to entry: The degree of similarity may be specified on the basis of comparison score and/or rank.

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