sponsor (1)

(1a) üldises tähenduses: soosija; toetaja; rahastaja
Wiktionary, noun:
1. a person or organisation with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation, especially where the responsibility has a religious, legal, or financial aspect
2. one that pays all or part of the cost of an event, a publication, or a media program, usually in exchange for advertising time


(1b) eritähendustes sõltub kontekstist
ISO 13491:
turvalist krüptovahendit hindamiseks esitav olem,
selles kontekstis ei tähenda tehingu sponsorit
= entity that submits the secure cryptographic device for evaluation
Note. Sponsor in this context does not refer to the “sponsor” of a transaction.

vt ka
- spondeerimine

Toimub laadimine

sponsor (1)

(1a) üldises tähenduses: soosija; toetaja; rahastaja
Wiktionary, noun:
1. a person or organisation with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation, especially where the responsibility has a religious, legal, or financial aspect
2. one that pays all or part of the cost of an event, a publication, or a media program, usually in exchange for advertising time


(1b) eritähendustes sõltub kontekstist
ISO 13491:
turvalist krüptovahendit hindamiseks esitav olem,
selles kontekstis ei tähenda tehingu sponsorit
= entity that submits the secure cryptographic device for evaluation
Note. Sponsor in this context does not refer to the “sponsor” of a transaction.

vt ka
- spondeerimine

Palun oodake...


sponsor (1)

(1a) üldises tähenduses: soosija; toetaja; rahastaja
Wiktionary, noun:
1. a person or organisation with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation, especially where the responsibility has a religious, legal, or financial aspect
2. one that pays all or part of the cost of an event, a publication, or a media program, usually in exchange for advertising time


(1b) eritähendustes sõltub kontekstist
ISO 13491:
turvalist krüptovahendit hindamiseks esitav olem,
selles kontekstis ei tähenda tehingu sponsorit
= entity that submits the secure cryptographic device for evaluation
Note. Sponsor in this context does not refer to the “sponsor” of a transaction.

vt ka
- spondeerimine

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.