sega- (1); segatud; segu-

Merriam-Webster, blend, transitive verb
1: MIX, especially : to combine or associate so that the separate constituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished
2: to prepare by thoroughly intermingling different varieties or grades

Merriam-Webster, blend, intransitive verb
1b: to combine into an integrated whole

vt ka
- sega- (2)
- segarünne

Toimub laadimine

sega- (1); segatud; segu-

Merriam-Webster, blend, transitive verb
1: MIX, especially : to combine or associate so that the separate constituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished
2: to prepare by thoroughly intermingling different varieties or grades

Merriam-Webster, blend, intransitive verb
1b: to combine into an integrated whole

vt ka
- sega- (2)
- segarünne

Palun oodake...


sega- (1); segatud; segu-

Merriam-Webster, blend, transitive verb
1: MIX, especially : to combine or associate so that the separate constituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished
2: to prepare by thoroughly intermingling different varieties or grades

Merriam-Webster, blend, intransitive verb
1b: to combine into an integrated whole

vt ka
- sega- (2)
- segarünne

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.