cascade (1)
aste; kaskaad; kaskaad-

kontekstist sõltuva astmelise jadaintensiivistusega süsteemi komponent
2. (figuratively) a stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade
3. a series of electrical (or other types of) components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next
5. (Internet) a sequence of absurd short messages posted to a newsgroup by different authors, each one responding to the most recent message and quoting the entire sequence to that point (with ever-increasing indentation)

cascade amplifier -- kaskaadvõimendi
cascade generator -- kaskaadgeneraator
cascade menu -- kaskaadmenüü
cascade process -- kaskaadprotsess
cascade transformer -- kaskaadtrafo
cascaded system -- kaskaadsüsteem
cascaded windows -- virnaknad
cascading list box -- kaskaadloendiboks
cascading menu panels -- kaskaad-menüüpaneelid
event cascade -- sündmusekaskaad

Toimub laadimine

cascade (1)
aste; kaskaad; kaskaad-

kontekstist sõltuva astmelise jadaintensiivistusega süsteemi komponent
2. (figuratively) a stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade
3. a series of electrical (or other types of) components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next
5. (Internet) a sequence of absurd short messages posted to a newsgroup by different authors, each one responding to the most recent message and quoting the entire sequence to that point (with ever-increasing indentation)

cascade amplifier -- kaskaadvõimendi
cascade generator -- kaskaadgeneraator
cascade menu -- kaskaadmenüü
cascade process -- kaskaadprotsess
cascade transformer -- kaskaadtrafo
cascaded system -- kaskaadsüsteem
cascaded windows -- virnaknad
cascading list box -- kaskaadloendiboks
cascading menu panels -- kaskaad-menüüpaneelid
event cascade -- sündmusekaskaad

Palun oodake...


cascade (1)
aste; kaskaad; kaskaad-

kontekstist sõltuva astmelise jadaintensiivistusega süsteemi komponent
2. (figuratively) a stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade
3. a series of electrical (or other types of) components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next
5. (Internet) a sequence of absurd short messages posted to a newsgroup by different authors, each one responding to the most recent message and quoting the entire sequence to that point (with ever-increasing indentation)

cascade amplifier -- kaskaadvõimendi
cascade generator -- kaskaadgeneraator
cascade menu -- kaskaadmenüü
cascade process -- kaskaadprotsess
cascade transformer -- kaskaadtrafo
cascaded system -- kaskaadsüsteem
cascaded windows -- virnaknad
cascading list box -- kaskaadloendiboks
cascading menu panels -- kaskaad-menüüpaneelid
event cascade -- sündmusekaskaad

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.