
asendatavus (1)

ISO/IEC 25010:
toote võime asendada teist ettemääratud toodet samal otstarbel samas keskkonnas
Märkus 1. Tarkvaratoote ajakohastamisel on ta asendatavus kasutajale oluline.
Märkus 2. Asendatavus võib sisaldada installitavuse ja sobitatavuse atribuute. Mõiste on võetud alamkarakteristikuna kasutusele ta tähtsuse tõttu.
Märkus 3. Asendatavus vähendab lukustumise riske, nii et senise tarkvara asemel saab kasutada muid tarkvaratooteid, näiteks standardseid failivorminguid kasutades.
= capability of a product to replace another specified product for the same purpose in the same environment
Note 1. The replaceability of a new version of a software product is important to the user when upgrading.
Note 2. Replaceability can include attributes of both installability and adaptability. The concept has been introduced as a subcharacteristic of its own because of its importance.
Note 3. Replaceability reduces lock-in risks, so that other software products can be used in place of the present one, for example by the use of standardized file formats.



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- asendatavus (2)

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asendatavus (1)

ISO/IEC 25010:
toote võime asendada teist ettemääratud toodet samal otstarbel samas keskkonnas
Märkus 1. Tarkvaratoote ajakohastamisel on ta asendatavus kasutajale oluline.
Märkus 2. Asendatavus võib sisaldada installitavuse ja sobitatavuse atribuute. Mõiste on võetud alamkarakteristikuna kasutusele ta tähtsuse tõttu.
Märkus 3. Asendatavus vähendab lukustumise riske, nii et senise tarkvara asemel saab kasutada muid tarkvaratooteid, näiteks standardseid failivorminguid kasutades.
= capability of a product to replace another specified product for the same purpose in the same environment
Note 1. The replaceability of a new version of a software product is important to the user when upgrading.
Note 2. Replaceability can include attributes of both installability and adaptability. The concept has been introduced as a subcharacteristic of its own because of its importance.
Note 3. Replaceability reduces lock-in risks, so that other software products can be used in place of the present one, for example by the use of standardized file formats.



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- asendatavus (2)

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asendatavus (1)

ISO/IEC 25010:
toote võime asendada teist ettemääratud toodet samal otstarbel samas keskkonnas
Märkus 1. Tarkvaratoote ajakohastamisel on ta asendatavus kasutajale oluline.
Märkus 2. Asendatavus võib sisaldada installitavuse ja sobitatavuse atribuute. Mõiste on võetud alamkarakteristikuna kasutusele ta tähtsuse tõttu.
Märkus 3. Asendatavus vähendab lukustumise riske, nii et senise tarkvara asemel saab kasutada muid tarkvaratooteid, näiteks standardseid failivorminguid kasutades.
= capability of a product to replace another specified product for the same purpose in the same environment
Note 1. The replaceability of a new version of a software product is important to the user when upgrading.
Note 2. Replaceability can include attributes of both installability and adaptability. The concept has been introduced as a subcharacteristic of its own because of its importance.
Note 3. Replaceability reduces lock-in risks, so that other software products can be used in place of the present one, for example by the use of standardized file formats.



vt ka
- asendatavus (2)

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