black box use case*

käitumise kasutusmall, välismall


väliselt käitumist kirjeldav kasutusmall

A Black Box Use Case documents what a system should do and not how it should do it. The black box view shows what a system looks like from the outside, including the required and provided interfaces, and the relationship to other systems.

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black box use case*

käitumise kasutusmall, välismall


väliselt käitumist kirjeldav kasutusmall

A Black Box Use Case documents what a system should do and not how it should do it. The black box view shows what a system looks like from the outside, including the required and provided interfaces, and the relationship to other systems.

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black box use case*

käitumise kasutusmall, välismall


väliselt käitumist kirjeldav kasutusmall

A Black Box Use Case documents what a system should do and not how it should do it. The black box view shows what a system looks like from the outside, including the required and provided interfaces, and the relationship to other systems.

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