
uskumus; arvamus (2)

Õ: hinnang selles tähenduses on eksitav;
meediakeelne "ekspertide hinnangul"
tähendab tegelikult
mitte mingit hindamisprotsessi tulemit,
vaid lihtsalt "teadjamate arvates"

(2a) tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine,
sõltumata asitõenditest (hõlmab ka teadmust)
1. mental acceptance of a claim as true
It's my belief that the thief is somebody known to us.
2. faith or trust in the reality of something; often based upon one's own reasoning, trust in a claim, desire of actuality, and/or evidence considered
My belief is that there is a bear in the woods. Bill said he saw one.
Based on this data, it is our belief that X does not occur.

(2b) väär tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine (teadmuseväline)
an erroneous belief, misbelief

vt ka
- arvamus (1)
- arvamus (3)
- uskumustik

Toimub laadimine


uskumus; arvamus (2)

Õ: hinnang selles tähenduses on eksitav;
meediakeelne "ekspertide hinnangul"
tähendab tegelikult
mitte mingit hindamisprotsessi tulemit,
vaid lihtsalt "teadjamate arvates"

(2a) tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine,
sõltumata asitõenditest (hõlmab ka teadmust)
1. mental acceptance of a claim as true
It's my belief that the thief is somebody known to us.
2. faith or trust in the reality of something; often based upon one's own reasoning, trust in a claim, desire of actuality, and/or evidence considered
My belief is that there is a bear in the woods. Bill said he saw one.
Based on this data, it is our belief that X does not occur.

(2b) väär tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine (teadmuseväline)
an erroneous belief, misbelief

vt ka
- arvamus (1)
- arvamus (3)
- uskumustik

Palun oodake...



uskumus; arvamus (2)

Õ: hinnang selles tähenduses on eksitav;
meediakeelne "ekspertide hinnangul"
tähendab tegelikult
mitte mingit hindamisprotsessi tulemit,
vaid lihtsalt "teadjamate arvates"

(2a) tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine,
sõltumata asitõenditest (hõlmab ka teadmust)
1. mental acceptance of a claim as true
It's my belief that the thief is somebody known to us.
2. faith or trust in the reality of something; often based upon one's own reasoning, trust in a claim, desire of actuality, and/or evidence considered
My belief is that there is a bear in the woods. Bill said he saw one.
Based on this data, it is our belief that X does not occur.

(2b) väär tõesuse või tõepärasuse eeldamine (teadmuseväline)
an erroneous belief, misbelief

vt ka
- arvamus (1)
- arvamus (3)
- uskumustik

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.