informed consent *
teadlik nõusolek

sõltub kontekstist

ISO/TS 17975:
permission to perform healthcare activities, voluntarily given by a subject of care having consent competence, or by a subject of care proxy, after having been informed about the purpose and the possible results of the healthcare activities
Note. A healthcare mandate requires either informed consent or authorization by law.

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informed consent *
teadlik nõusolek

sõltub kontekstist

ISO/TS 17975:
permission to perform healthcare activities, voluntarily given by a subject of care having consent competence, or by a subject of care proxy, after having been informed about the purpose and the possible results of the healthcare activities
Note. A healthcare mandate requires either informed consent or authorization by law.

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informed consent *
teadlik nõusolek

sõltub kontekstist

ISO/TS 17975:
permission to perform healthcare activities, voluntarily given by a subject of care having consent competence, or by a subject of care proxy, after having been informed about the purpose and the possible results of the healthcare activities
Note. A healthcare mandate requires either informed consent or authorization by law.

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