identify (3)
tuvastama (1)

välja selgitama, nähtavale tooma, olemasolu nentima, identiteediga siduma vms, sõltuvalt kontekstist

1. (transitive) to establish the identity of someone or something.
It was hard to identify the shoplifter because the CCTV records didn't have a clear image
2. (transitive) Tto disclose the identity of someone

ISO/IEC 2382-37, indiviidi tuvastama:
tegema biomeetriaregistris biomeetrilist otsingut leidmaks biomeetriaetaloni identifikaator(id), mis on seotud üheainsa indiviidiga
= conduct a biometric search against a biometric enrolment database to find and return the biometric reference identifier(s) attributable to a single individual

vt ka
- tuvastama (2)
- tuvastus (1)

Toimub laadimine

identify (3)
tuvastama (1)

välja selgitama, nähtavale tooma, olemasolu nentima, identiteediga siduma vms, sõltuvalt kontekstist

1. (transitive) to establish the identity of someone or something.
It was hard to identify the shoplifter because the CCTV records didn't have a clear image
2. (transitive) Tto disclose the identity of someone

ISO/IEC 2382-37, indiviidi tuvastama:
tegema biomeetriaregistris biomeetrilist otsingut leidmaks biomeetriaetaloni identifikaator(id), mis on seotud üheainsa indiviidiga
= conduct a biometric search against a biometric enrolment database to find and return the biometric reference identifier(s) attributable to a single individual

vt ka
- tuvastama (2)
- tuvastus (1)

Palun oodake...


identify (3)
tuvastama (1)

välja selgitama, nähtavale tooma, olemasolu nentima, identiteediga siduma vms, sõltuvalt kontekstist

1. (transitive) to establish the identity of someone or something.
It was hard to identify the shoplifter because the CCTV records didn't have a clear image
2. (transitive) Tto disclose the identity of someone

ISO/IEC 2382-37, indiviidi tuvastama:
tegema biomeetriaregistris biomeetrilist otsingut leidmaks biomeetriaetaloni identifikaator(id), mis on seotud üheainsa indiviidiga
= conduct a biometric search against a biometric enrolment database to find and return the biometric reference identifier(s) attributable to a single individual

vt ka
- tuvastama (2)
- tuvastus (1)

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