identification (1)
identifitseerimine; identifitseering (1)

kontekstist sõltuv samastamine

ISO/IEC 27037:
potentsiaalsete digitõendite otsingu, tuvastuse ja dokumenteerimise protsess
= process involving the search for, recognition and documentation of potential digital evidence

2a: psychological orientation of the self in regard to something (such as a person or group) with a resulting feeling of close emotional association
2b: a largely unconscious process whereby an individual models thoughts, feelings, and actions after those attributed to an object that has been incorporated as a mental image

identification card -- isikutunnistus; pass
identification evidence -- isikut identifitseerivad tõendid
identification of capacities --
-- õigus- või teovõime kindlakstegemine

vt ka
- identifitseerima (1)

Toimub laadimine

identification (1)
identifitseerimine; identifitseering (1)

kontekstist sõltuv samastamine

ISO/IEC 27037:
potentsiaalsete digitõendite otsingu, tuvastuse ja dokumenteerimise protsess
= process involving the search for, recognition and documentation of potential digital evidence

2a: psychological orientation of the self in regard to something (such as a person or group) with a resulting feeling of close emotional association
2b: a largely unconscious process whereby an individual models thoughts, feelings, and actions after those attributed to an object that has been incorporated as a mental image

identification card -- isikutunnistus; pass
identification evidence -- isikut identifitseerivad tõendid
identification of capacities --
-- õigus- või teovõime kindlakstegemine

vt ka
- identifitseerima (1)

Palun oodake...


identification (1)
identifitseerimine; identifitseering (1)

kontekstist sõltuv samastamine

ISO/IEC 27037:
potentsiaalsete digitõendite otsingu, tuvastuse ja dokumenteerimise protsess
= process involving the search for, recognition and documentation of potential digital evidence

2a: psychological orientation of the self in regard to something (such as a person or group) with a resulting feeling of close emotional association
2b: a largely unconscious process whereby an individual models thoughts, feelings, and actions after those attributed to an object that has been incorporated as a mental image

identification card -- isikutunnistus; pass
identification evidence -- isikut identifitseerivad tõendid
identification of capacities --
-- õigus- või teovõime kindlakstegemine

vt ka
- identifitseerima (1)

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.