recall (1)
tagasi kutsuma; tagasi võtma; ringlusest kõrvaldama; tühistama (3)
sõltub kontekstist
Wiktionary, verb:
1. (transitive) to withdraw, retract (one's words etc.); to revoke (an order)
2. (transitive) to call back, bring back or summon (someone) to a specific place, station etc.
3. (transitive, US politics) to remove an elected official through a petition and direct vote
4. (transitive) to bring back (someone) to or from a particular mental or physical state, activity etc.
6. (transitive, intransitive) to call again, to call another time
7. (transitive) to request or order the return of (a faulty product)
beyond recall -- 1. tagasivõtmatu 2. tühistamatu
past recall -- tagasivõtmatu
recall a loan -- laenu tasumist nõudma
recallable -- tagasivõetav; tagasiostetav
recall a representative -- esindajat tagasi kutsuma
recall from circulation -- käibelt kõrvaldama
valid until recalled -- kehtiv tühistamiseni