private security service provider

= private security company

ISO 22300:
organisatsioon, mis juhatab või lepinguliselt teostab turvet
ja kelle äritegevused sisaldavad turvateenuste andmist
enda või teiste huvides;
(i) annab teenuseid klientidele nende ja teiste turvalisuse tagamiseks;
(ii) tavaliselt tegutseb tingimustes, kus valitsus on nõrk või seaduslikkust õõnestavad inim- või loodustekkelised sündmused, ja annab teenuseid, mis võivad nõuda, et personal oleks oma lepinguliste kohustuste täitmiseks relvastatud;
(iii) teenuste näiteid: ihukaitse, füüsilised kaitsemeetmed, turvateadlikkus ja -koolitus, riski, turvalisuse ja ohtude hindamine,
õue-, diplomaatia- ja elamualade perimeetrite kaitsemeetmete andmine; vedude eskort; poliitikate analüüs;
(iv) konsortsium loetakse organisatsiooni osaks
organization that conducts or contracts security operations and whose business activities include the provision of security services either on its own behalf or on behalf of another
Note 1. PSSPs provide services to clients with the aim of ensuring their security and that of others.
Note 2. PSSPs typically work in circumstances where governance is weak or rule of law undermined due to human- or naturally caused events and provide services for which personnel can be required to carry weapons in the performance of their duties in accordance with the terms of their contract.
Note 3. Examples of security services provided by PSSPs include: guarding; close protection; physical protection measures; security awareness and training; risk, security and threat assessment; the provision of protective and defensive measures for individuals’ compounds, diplomatic and residential perimeters; escort of transport; and policy analysis.
Note 4. A joint venture is considered part of the organization.

Toimub laadimine

private security service provider

= private security company

ISO 22300:
organisatsioon, mis juhatab või lepinguliselt teostab turvet
ja kelle äritegevused sisaldavad turvateenuste andmist
enda või teiste huvides;
(i) annab teenuseid klientidele nende ja teiste turvalisuse tagamiseks;
(ii) tavaliselt tegutseb tingimustes, kus valitsus on nõrk või seaduslikkust õõnestavad inim- või loodustekkelised sündmused, ja annab teenuseid, mis võivad nõuda, et personal oleks oma lepinguliste kohustuste täitmiseks relvastatud;
(iii) teenuste näiteid: ihukaitse, füüsilised kaitsemeetmed, turvateadlikkus ja -koolitus, riski, turvalisuse ja ohtude hindamine,
õue-, diplomaatia- ja elamualade perimeetrite kaitsemeetmete andmine; vedude eskort; poliitikate analüüs;
(iv) konsortsium loetakse organisatsiooni osaks
organization that conducts or contracts security operations and whose business activities include the provision of security services either on its own behalf or on behalf of another
Note 1. PSSPs provide services to clients with the aim of ensuring their security and that of others.
Note 2. PSSPs typically work in circumstances where governance is weak or rule of law undermined due to human- or naturally caused events and provide services for which personnel can be required to carry weapons in the performance of their duties in accordance with the terms of their contract.
Note 3. Examples of security services provided by PSSPs include: guarding; close protection; physical protection measures; security awareness and training; risk, security and threat assessment; the provision of protective and defensive measures for individuals’ compounds, diplomatic and residential perimeters; escort of transport; and policy analysis.
Note 4. A joint venture is considered part of the organization.

Palun oodake...


private security service provider

= private security company

ISO 22300:
organisatsioon, mis juhatab või lepinguliselt teostab turvet
ja kelle äritegevused sisaldavad turvateenuste andmist
enda või teiste huvides;
(i) annab teenuseid klientidele nende ja teiste turvalisuse tagamiseks;
(ii) tavaliselt tegutseb tingimustes, kus valitsus on nõrk või seaduslikkust õõnestavad inim- või loodustekkelised sündmused, ja annab teenuseid, mis võivad nõuda, et personal oleks oma lepinguliste kohustuste täitmiseks relvastatud;
(iii) teenuste näiteid: ihukaitse, füüsilised kaitsemeetmed, turvateadlikkus ja -koolitus, riski, turvalisuse ja ohtude hindamine,
õue-, diplomaatia- ja elamualade perimeetrite kaitsemeetmete andmine; vedude eskort; poliitikate analüüs;
(iv) konsortsium loetakse organisatsiooni osaks
organization that conducts or contracts security operations and whose business activities include the provision of security services either on its own behalf or on behalf of another
Note 1. PSSPs provide services to clients with the aim of ensuring their security and that of others.
Note 2. PSSPs typically work in circumstances where governance is weak or rule of law undermined due to human- or naturally caused events and provide services for which personnel can be required to carry weapons in the performance of their duties in accordance with the terms of their contract.
Note 3. Examples of security services provided by PSSPs include: guarding; close protection; physical protection measures; security awareness and training; risk, security and threat assessment; the provision of protective and defensive measures for individuals’ compounds, diplomatic and residential perimeters; escort of transport; and policy analysis.
Note 4. A joint venture is considered part of the organization.

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.