worksheet (1)

kontekstist sõltuv probleemikäsitluse leht, näiteks arvutustabeli osana
a sheet of paper or computerized document on which problems are worked out or solved and answers recorded
1a: a sheet that is used in making preliminary plans, auxiliary computations, notes, or comments as a guide in doing some piece of work
An electricity worksheet is simply a piece of paper listing all of your household appliances with their wattage.
1b: a specially prepared sheet, pamphlet, or booklet containing data of assistance in planning and accomplishing some piece of work
1c: a working paper used by an accountant to assemble figures for financial statements of a business

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worksheet (1)

kontekstist sõltuv probleemikäsitluse leht, näiteks arvutustabeli osana
a sheet of paper or computerized document on which problems are worked out or solved and answers recorded
1a: a sheet that is used in making preliminary plans, auxiliary computations, notes, or comments as a guide in doing some piece of work
An electricity worksheet is simply a piece of paper listing all of your household appliances with their wattage.
1b: a specially prepared sheet, pamphlet, or booklet containing data of assistance in planning and accomplishing some piece of work
1c: a working paper used by an accountant to assemble figures for financial statements of a business

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worksheet (1)

kontekstist sõltuv probleemikäsitluse leht, näiteks arvutustabeli osana
a sheet of paper or computerized document on which problems are worked out or solved and answers recorded
1a: a sheet that is used in making preliminary plans, auxiliary computations, notes, or comments as a guide in doing some piece of work
An electricity worksheet is simply a piece of paper listing all of your household appliances with their wattage.
1b: a specially prepared sheet, pamphlet, or booklet containing data of assistance in planning and accomplishing some piece of work
1c: a working paper used by an accountant to assemble figures for financial statements of a business

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- märkmeleht
- ülesandeleht

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