official (1)
ametlik (1)

Wiktionary, adj:
2. derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority
an official statement or report
3. approved by authority; authorized
The Official Strategy Guide
(Of a statement) Dubious but recognized by authorities as truth and/or canon.
Despite these testimonies, "accidental asphyxiation" remains his official cause of death.

official act -- ametlik akt
official address -- ametlik aadress
official agent -- ametlik esindaja
official authority -- avalik võim
official communication -- ametlik teadaanne
official correspondence -- ametlik kirjavahetus
official data -- ametlikud andmed
official inquiry -- ametlik järelepärimine
official language -- 1. riigikeel 2. asjaajamiskeel
official passport -- teenistuspass
official person -- ametiisik
official rank -- ametinimetus; ametiaste
official representative -- ametlik esindaja
official standard -- riiklik standard
official statistics -- riiklik statistika
official translation -- ametlik tõlge

vt ka
- ametlik (2)
- ametialane
- mitteametlik (1)
- mitteametlik (2)

Toimub laadimine

official (1)
ametlik (1)

Wiktionary, adj:
2. derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority
an official statement or report
3. approved by authority; authorized
The Official Strategy Guide
(Of a statement) Dubious but recognized by authorities as truth and/or canon.
Despite these testimonies, "accidental asphyxiation" remains his official cause of death.

official act -- ametlik akt
official address -- ametlik aadress
official agent -- ametlik esindaja
official authority -- avalik võim
official communication -- ametlik teadaanne
official correspondence -- ametlik kirjavahetus
official data -- ametlikud andmed
official inquiry -- ametlik järelepärimine
official language -- 1. riigikeel 2. asjaajamiskeel
official passport -- teenistuspass
official person -- ametiisik
official rank -- ametinimetus; ametiaste
official representative -- ametlik esindaja
official standard -- riiklik standard
official statistics -- riiklik statistika
official translation -- ametlik tõlge

vt ka
- ametlik (2)
- ametialane
- mitteametlik (1)
- mitteametlik (2)

Palun oodake...


official (1)
ametlik (1)

Wiktionary, adj:
2. derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority
an official statement or report
3. approved by authority; authorized
The Official Strategy Guide
(Of a statement) Dubious but recognized by authorities as truth and/or canon.
Despite these testimonies, "accidental asphyxiation" remains his official cause of death.

official act -- ametlik akt
official address -- ametlik aadress
official agent -- ametlik esindaja
official authority -- avalik võim
official communication -- ametlik teadaanne
official correspondence -- ametlik kirjavahetus
official data -- ametlikud andmed
official inquiry -- ametlik järelepärimine
official language -- 1. riigikeel 2. asjaajamiskeel
official passport -- teenistuspass
official person -- ametiisik
official rank -- ametinimetus; ametiaste
official representative -- ametlik esindaja
official standard -- riiklik standard
official statistics -- riiklik statistika
official translation -- ametlik tõlge

vt ka
- ametlik (2)
- ametialane
- mitteametlik (1)
- mitteametlik (2)

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.