option (2)
optsioon; eesõigus (2)
1: an act of choosing
hard to make an option between such alternatives
2a: the power or right to choose : freedom of choice
He has the option to cancel the deal.
b: a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified time
c: a contract conveying a right to buy or sell designated securities, commodities, or property interest at a specified price during a stipulated period
also : the right conveyed by an option
The ad is for a condo to rent with an option to buy.
d: a right of an insured person to choose the form in which payments due on a policy shall be made or applied
- ajutine õigus müüa/osta teatud hinnaga
(temporary right to sell/buy at a certain price)
- õigus osta/müüa teatud hinnaga tulevikus
(the right to buy/sell at a certain price in the future)
first option -- ostueesõigus
option of fine -- õigus asendada vanglakaristus trahviga
options contract -- optsioonileping
options and futures -- tuletisväärtpaber
option to purchase -- ostuõigus
vt ka
- suvand
- valikuvariant