offline (1)
vallas-, autonoomne (3); autonoom-

sõltub kontekstist

võrguga või võrguteenusega ühendamata
Wiktionary, adj:
1. of a system, currently not connected (generally electrically) to a larger network
For example, a power plant which is not connected to the grid, or a computer which is not connected to the Internet or to any other communications service.
Antonym: online
I saved the web pages so I could read them later offline.
2. (by extension) happening in the physical world (the real world) as opposed to on the Internet
Synonym: IRL Antonym: online
offline meetings, offline dating

ei ole arvuti keskprotsessori otsese juhtimise all
(seade või protsess)
= pertaining to a device or process that is not under the direct control of the central processing unit of a computer

ISO/IEC 2382:
omane (funktsionaalüksuse talitlusele, mis leiab aset sõltumatult arvuti põhitalitlusest või sellega rööbiti
= pertaining to the operation of a functional unit that takes place either independently of, or in parallel with, the main operation of a computer


vt ka
- autonoomne (1)
- autonoomne (2)
- autonoomne autentimissertifikaat
- sidus-
- vallasrežiim
- vallasrünne

Toimub laadimine

offline (1)
vallas-, autonoomne (3); autonoom-

sõltub kontekstist

võrguga või võrguteenusega ühendamata
Wiktionary, adj:
1. of a system, currently not connected (generally electrically) to a larger network
For example, a power plant which is not connected to the grid, or a computer which is not connected to the Internet or to any other communications service.
Antonym: online
I saved the web pages so I could read them later offline.
2. (by extension) happening in the physical world (the real world) as opposed to on the Internet
Synonym: IRL Antonym: online
offline meetings, offline dating

ei ole arvuti keskprotsessori otsese juhtimise all
(seade või protsess)
= pertaining to a device or process that is not under the direct control of the central processing unit of a computer

ISO/IEC 2382:
omane (funktsionaalüksuse talitlusele, mis leiab aset sõltumatult arvuti põhitalitlusest või sellega rööbiti
= pertaining to the operation of a functional unit that takes place either independently of, or in parallel with, the main operation of a computer


vt ka
- autonoomne (1)
- autonoomne (2)
- autonoomne autentimissertifikaat
- sidus-
- vallasrežiim
- vallasrünne

Palun oodake...


offline (1)
vallas-, autonoomne (3); autonoom-

sõltub kontekstist

võrguga või võrguteenusega ühendamata
Wiktionary, adj:
1. of a system, currently not connected (generally electrically) to a larger network
For example, a power plant which is not connected to the grid, or a computer which is not connected to the Internet or to any other communications service.
Antonym: online
I saved the web pages so I could read them later offline.
2. (by extension) happening in the physical world (the real world) as opposed to on the Internet
Synonym: IRL Antonym: online
offline meetings, offline dating

ei ole arvuti keskprotsessori otsese juhtimise all
(seade või protsess)
= pertaining to a device or process that is not under the direct control of the central processing unit of a computer

ISO/IEC 2382:
omane (funktsionaalüksuse talitlusele, mis leiab aset sõltumatult arvuti põhitalitlusest või sellega rööbiti
= pertaining to the operation of a functional unit that takes place either independently of, or in parallel with, the main operation of a computer


vt ka
- autonoomne (1)
- autonoomne (2)
- autonoomne autentimissertifikaat
- sidus-
- vallasrežiim
- vallasrünne

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.