failure notification policy

ISO/IEC 22123-1:
poliitika, mis spetsifitseerib protsessid, millega pilvteenuse klient ja pilvteenusepartner saavad pilvteenusetarnijale teatada teenuse katkemisest ja millega pilvteenusetarnija saab neile teatada, et on toimunud katkestus; selles poliitikas võidakse määrata ka protsess ajakohastusteks pärast teenusekatkestusi, teadete ja uuendite saajad, maksimaalne aeg avastatud teenusekatkestusest teatamiseni, maksimaalne aeg katkestusejärgsete ajakohastuste vahel, ajakohastuste kirjelduse viis
= policy specifying the processes by which the cloud service customer and cloud service partner can notify the cloud service provider of a service outage and by which the cloud service provider can notify the cloud service customer and cloud service partner that a service outage has occurred.
Note. The policy may also include the process for providing updates on service outages, who receives notifications and updates, the maximum time between the detection of a service outage and the issuance of a notice of service outage, the maximum time interval between service outage updates and how service outage updates are described.

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failure notification policy

ISO/IEC 22123-1:
poliitika, mis spetsifitseerib protsessid, millega pilvteenuse klient ja pilvteenusepartner saavad pilvteenusetarnijale teatada teenuse katkemisest ja millega pilvteenusetarnija saab neile teatada, et on toimunud katkestus; selles poliitikas võidakse määrata ka protsess ajakohastusteks pärast teenusekatkestusi, teadete ja uuendite saajad, maksimaalne aeg avastatud teenusekatkestusest teatamiseni, maksimaalne aeg katkestusejärgsete ajakohastuste vahel, ajakohastuste kirjelduse viis
= policy specifying the processes by which the cloud service customer and cloud service partner can notify the cloud service provider of a service outage and by which the cloud service provider can notify the cloud service customer and cloud service partner that a service outage has occurred.
Note. The policy may also include the process for providing updates on service outages, who receives notifications and updates, the maximum time between the detection of a service outage and the issuance of a notice of service outage, the maximum time interval between service outage updates and how service outage updates are described.

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failure notification policy

ISO/IEC 22123-1:
poliitika, mis spetsifitseerib protsessid, millega pilvteenuse klient ja pilvteenusepartner saavad pilvteenusetarnijale teatada teenuse katkemisest ja millega pilvteenusetarnija saab neile teatada, et on toimunud katkestus; selles poliitikas võidakse määrata ka protsess ajakohastusteks pärast teenusekatkestusi, teadete ja uuendite saajad, maksimaalne aeg avastatud teenusekatkestusest teatamiseni, maksimaalne aeg katkestusejärgsete ajakohastuste vahel, ajakohastuste kirjelduse viis
= policy specifying the processes by which the cloud service customer and cloud service partner can notify the cloud service provider of a service outage and by which the cloud service provider can notify the cloud service customer and cloud service partner that a service outage has occurred.
Note. The policy may also include the process for providing updates on service outages, who receives notifications and updates, the maximum time between the detection of a service outage and the issuance of a notice of service outage, the maximum time interval between service outage updates and how service outage updates are described.

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