technology & data variations list
tehnoloogia- ja andmevariantide loend

olemus :
The technology and data variations list is used to document the way technology may influence the use case and how data might differ in a way that would affect the use case.
If a certain model of printer changes the way printing is completed, then you might document that in this part of the use case.

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technology & data variations list
tehnoloogia- ja andmevariantide loend

olemus :
The technology and data variations list is used to document the way technology may influence the use case and how data might differ in a way that would affect the use case.
If a certain model of printer changes the way printing is completed, then you might document that in this part of the use case.

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technology & data variations list
tehnoloogia- ja andmevariantide loend

olemus :
The technology and data variations list is used to document the way technology may influence the use case and how data might differ in a way that would affect the use case.
If a certain model of printer changes the way printing is completed, then you might document that in this part of the use case.

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.