template/reference template

ISO/IEC 19794:
liikmestatud isiku biomeetrilise mõõtmise andmed, mida biomeetriasüsteem kasutab võrdlemiseks](/term/9604) hiljem esitatud biomeetriliste proovidega; need andmed ei eelda mingit kindlat tuvastusmeetodit, näiteks malli võrdlust
= data, which represents the biometric measurement of an enrollee, used by a biometric system for comparison against subsequently submitted biometric samples
Note. This term is not restricted to mean only data used in any particular recognition method, such as template comparison.

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template/reference template

ISO/IEC 19794:
liikmestatud isiku biomeetrilise mõõtmise andmed, mida biomeetriasüsteem kasutab võrdlemiseks](/term/9604) hiljem esitatud biomeetriliste proovidega; need andmed ei eelda mingit kindlat tuvastusmeetodit, näiteks malli võrdlust
= data, which represents the biometric measurement of an enrollee, used by a biometric system for comparison against subsequently submitted biometric samples
Note. This term is not restricted to mean only data used in any particular recognition method, such as template comparison.

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template/reference template

ISO/IEC 19794:
liikmestatud isiku biomeetrilise mõõtmise andmed, mida biomeetriasüsteem kasutab võrdlemiseks](/term/9604) hiljem esitatud biomeetriliste proovidega; need andmed ei eelda mingit kindlat tuvastusmeetodit, näiteks malli võrdlust
= data, which represents the biometric measurement of an enrollee, used by a biometric system for comparison against subsequently submitted biometric samples
Note. This term is not restricted to mean only data used in any particular recognition method, such as template comparison.

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