template (1)


kontekstist sõltuv üldine näidis, vorm, mudel

1. a physical object whose shape is used as a guide to make other objects
2. a generic model or pattern from which other objects are based or derived
3. (molecular biology) a macromolecule which provides a pattern for the synthesis of another molecule
4. (object-oriented programming) a partially defined class or function, that can be instantiated in a variety of ways depending on the instantiation arguments
5. a strip of metal used in boiler-making, pierced with a series of holes, and serving as a guide in marking out a line of rivet-holes

- biomeetrias: andmekogum, mis sisaldab isikut piiritleva tunnuse väärtusi, vt biometric template
= in biometry: a data set containing the values of a personal characteristic
- UML-keeles: parametreeritud mudelielement, mis kirjeldab või identifitseerib mustri teatud tüüpi mudelielementide rühmale
= in UML: a parameterized model element that describes or identifies a pattern for a group of model elements of a certain type
- projektihalduses: osaliselt koostatud dokument ettemääratud vormingus, näitab mingit määratletud struktuuri, teabe ja andmete kogumiseks, korraldamiseks ja esituseks
= in project management: a partially prepared document in a predetermined format


Toimub laadimine

template (1)


kontekstist sõltuv üldine näidis, vorm, mudel

1. a physical object whose shape is used as a guide to make other objects
2. a generic model or pattern from which other objects are based or derived
3. (molecular biology) a macromolecule which provides a pattern for the synthesis of another molecule
4. (object-oriented programming) a partially defined class or function, that can be instantiated in a variety of ways depending on the instantiation arguments
5. a strip of metal used in boiler-making, pierced with a series of holes, and serving as a guide in marking out a line of rivet-holes

- biomeetrias: andmekogum, mis sisaldab isikut piiritleva tunnuse väärtusi, vt biometric template
= in biometry: a data set containing the values of a personal characteristic
- UML-keeles: parametreeritud mudelielement, mis kirjeldab või identifitseerib mustri teatud tüüpi mudelielementide rühmale
= in UML: a parameterized model element that describes or identifies a pattern for a group of model elements of a certain type
- projektihalduses: osaliselt koostatud dokument ettemääratud vormingus, näitab mingit määratletud struktuuri, teabe ja andmete kogumiseks, korraldamiseks ja esituseks
= in project management: a partially prepared document in a predetermined format


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template (1)


kontekstist sõltuv üldine näidis, vorm, mudel

1. a physical object whose shape is used as a guide to make other objects
2. a generic model or pattern from which other objects are based or derived
3. (molecular biology) a macromolecule which provides a pattern for the synthesis of another molecule
4. (object-oriented programming) a partially defined class or function, that can be instantiated in a variety of ways depending on the instantiation arguments
5. a strip of metal used in boiler-making, pierced with a series of holes, and serving as a guide in marking out a line of rivet-holes

- biomeetrias: andmekogum, mis sisaldab isikut piiritleva tunnuse väärtusi, vt biometric template
= in biometry: a data set containing the values of a personal characteristic
- UML-keeles: parametreeritud mudelielement, mis kirjeldab või identifitseerib mustri teatud tüüpi mudelielementide rühmale
= in UML: a parameterized model element that describes or identifies a pattern for a group of model elements of a certain type
- projektihalduses: osaliselt koostatud dokument ettemääratud vormingus, näitab mingit määratletud struktuuri, teabe ja andmete kogumiseks, korraldamiseks ja esituseks
= in project management: a partially prepared document in a predetermined format


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