delivery authority

ISO/IEC 13888:
saatja usaldusega organ
andmete toimetamiseks saatjalt vastuvõtjale
ning, nõudmisel, saatjale asitõendite andmiseks
andmete transpordi kohta
authority trusted by the sender to deliver the data from the sender to the receiver, and to provide the sender with evidence on the submission and transport of data upon request

Toimub laadimine

delivery authority

ISO/IEC 13888:
saatja usaldusega organ
andmete toimetamiseks saatjalt vastuvõtjale
ning, nõudmisel, saatjale asitõendite andmiseks
andmete transpordi kohta
authority trusted by the sender to deliver the data from the sender to the receiver, and to provide the sender with evidence on the submission and transport of data upon request

Palun oodake...


delivery authority

ISO/IEC 13888:
saatja usaldusega organ
andmete toimetamiseks saatjalt vastuvõtjale
ning, nõudmisel, saatjale asitõendite andmiseks
andmete transpordi kohta
authority trusted by the sender to deliver the data from the sender to the receiver, and to provide the sender with evidence on the submission and transport of data upon request

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.