domain (3)
domeen (1)

(3a) Internetis:
halduslikult ühtne kogum võrgustatud arvuteid,
mille täisdomeeninimedes on ühine sufiks

10 computers : a subdivision of the Internet consisting of computers or sites usually with a common purpose (such as providing commercial information) and denoted in Internet addresses by a unique abbreviation (such as com for commercial sites or gov for government sites)
//The domain ca is used for sites located in Canada.

(3b) IEC 732-01-31:
arvutivõrgu osa, mille ressursid ja adresseerimine
on mingi asjakohase organi kontrolli all;
domeenijaotus võib olla geograafiline või organisatsiooniline
part of a computer network in which resources or addressing are under control of a specific authority
Note. The domain scheme may be geographical or organizational.

vt ka
- domeen (2)
- domeeninimesüsteem

Toimub laadimine

domain (3)
domeen (1)

(3a) Internetis:
halduslikult ühtne kogum võrgustatud arvuteid,
mille täisdomeeninimedes on ühine sufiks

10 computers : a subdivision of the Internet consisting of computers or sites usually with a common purpose (such as providing commercial information) and denoted in Internet addresses by a unique abbreviation (such as com for commercial sites or gov for government sites)
//The domain ca is used for sites located in Canada.

(3b) IEC 732-01-31:
arvutivõrgu osa, mille ressursid ja adresseerimine
on mingi asjakohase organi kontrolli all;
domeenijaotus võib olla geograafiline või organisatsiooniline
part of a computer network in which resources or addressing are under control of a specific authority
Note. The domain scheme may be geographical or organizational.

vt ka
- domeen (2)
- domeeninimesüsteem

Palun oodake...


domain (3)
domeen (1)

(3a) Internetis:
halduslikult ühtne kogum võrgustatud arvuteid,
mille täisdomeeninimedes on ühine sufiks

10 computers : a subdivision of the Internet consisting of computers or sites usually with a common purpose (such as providing commercial information) and denoted in Internet addresses by a unique abbreviation (such as com for commercial sites or gov for government sites)
//The domain ca is used for sites located in Canada.

(3b) IEC 732-01-31:
arvutivõrgu osa, mille ressursid ja adresseerimine
on mingi asjakohase organi kontrolli all;
domeenijaotus võib olla geograafiline või organisatsiooniline
part of a computer network in which resources or addressing are under control of a specific authority
Note. The domain scheme may be geographical or organizational.

vt ka
- domeen (2)
- domeeninimesüsteem

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.