valdaja; hoidja
sõltub kontekstist ja õigusruumist
1. a person entrusted with the custody or care of something or someone; a caretaker or keeper
After their parents' death, their aunt became the children's custodian.
The building's custodian could fix nearly anything. The place always looked great!
custodian bank -- depoopank, hoiupank
custodian services -- väärtpaberite hoidmine
custodian bank account -- alaealisele vanemate avatud pangakonto
ISO 6707-4:
omandi või andmike valvaja ja kaitsja või hooldaja
= one who guards and protects or maintains property or records
ISO/IEC 27050:
isik või üksus, kelle omanduses, hoole või kontrolli all
on elektrooniliselt talletatav teave
= person or entity that has custody, control or possession of electronically stored information
vt ka
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