compromise (1)
rikkuma (1), õõnestama; paljandama (2)
Õ: kompromiteerima (ÕS: mainet kahjustama, halba varju heitma)
selles tähenduses kompromiteerib kasutajat
infoturbes: rikkuma
- vara
- vara turvalisust
- turvameetmeid
- nõudeid
- jms, eelkõige aga turvapoliitikat
5. (transitive) to cause impairment of
6. (transitive) to breach (a security system)
They tried to compromise the security in the computer by guessing the password.
transitive verb
1a: to reveal or expose to an unauthorized person and especially to an enemy
// Confidential information was compromised.
vt ka
- paljandama (1)
- rikkuma (2)