Õ: poolkeelsed "klikkijad" pole järjekindlad -- miks nad ei "kliki" seinalülitit?
1. a brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock or a latch
5. the act of operating a switch, etc., so that it clicks
6. (graphical user interface) the act of pressing a button on a computer mouse or similar input device, both as a physical act and a reaction in the software
lukuklõps, lülitiklõps, hiireklõps, klahviklõps
vt ka
- kanaleid klõpsima
- klõpsaken
- klõpsleping
- klõpsukelmus
- klõpsurööv
- klõpsusööt
- klõpsutasuga
- klõpsutegur
- paremklõps
- ühe klõpsuga
- ühe klõpsuga ostmine