configuration management plan

konfiguratsioonihalduse kava

ISO/IEC 15408, CC:
kirjeldus, mis näitab, kuidas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemi
rakendatakse hindamisobjektile, st ühele konkreetsele tootele;

määratleb ja kirjeldab tulemi kasutatavas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemis
= description of how the configuration management system is used for the target of evaluation (TOE)
Note. The objective of issuing a configuration management plan is that staff members can see clearly what they have to do. From the point of view of the overall configuration management system this can be seen as an output document (because it may be produced as part of the application of the configuration management system). From the point of view of the concrete project it is a usage document because members of the project team use it in order to understand the steps that they have to perform during the project. The configuration management plan defines the usage of the system for the specific product; the same system may be used to a different extent for other products. That means the configuration management plan defines and describes the output of the configuration management system of a company which is used during the TOE development.


Toimub laadimine

configuration management plan

konfiguratsioonihalduse kava

ISO/IEC 15408, CC:
kirjeldus, mis näitab, kuidas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemi
rakendatakse hindamisobjektile, st ühele konkreetsele tootele;

määratleb ja kirjeldab tulemi kasutatavas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemis
= description of how the configuration management system is used for the target of evaluation (TOE)
Note. The objective of issuing a configuration management plan is that staff members can see clearly what they have to do. From the point of view of the overall configuration management system this can be seen as an output document (because it may be produced as part of the application of the configuration management system). From the point of view of the concrete project it is a usage document because members of the project team use it in order to understand the steps that they have to perform during the project. The configuration management plan defines the usage of the system for the specific product; the same system may be used to a different extent for other products. That means the configuration management plan defines and describes the output of the configuration management system of a company which is used during the TOE development.


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configuration management plan

konfiguratsioonihalduse kava

ISO/IEC 15408, CC:
kirjeldus, mis näitab, kuidas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemi
rakendatakse hindamisobjektile, st ühele konkreetsele tootele;

määratleb ja kirjeldab tulemi kasutatavas konfiguratsioonihalduse süsteemis
= description of how the configuration management system is used for the target of evaluation (TOE)
Note. The objective of issuing a configuration management plan is that staff members can see clearly what they have to do. From the point of view of the overall configuration management system this can be seen as an output document (because it may be produced as part of the application of the configuration management system). From the point of view of the concrete project it is a usage document because members of the project team use it in order to understand the steps that they have to perform during the project. The configuration management plan defines the usage of the system for the specific product; the same system may be used to a different extent for other products. That means the configuration management plan defines and describes the output of the configuration management system of a company which is used during the TOE development.


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