condition (1)
tingimus (1)
1. a logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false
2. a requirement or requisite
3. (law) a clause in a contract or agreement indicating that a certain contingency may modify the principal obligation in some way
(i) lepingutingimus
ISO 6707, condition of contract:
detailne lepingusäte, mis määrab poolte õigused ja kohustused või lepinguga seotud inimeste funktsioonid või lepingu rakendamise protseduurid
= one of the detailed provisions incorporated in a contract laying down the rights and duties of the parties or the functions of the people connected with the contract or the procedures for administering the contract
(ii) ruumi standardtingimused
ISO 20492, standard laboratory conditions:
ümbrustemperatuur (23 ±2 )oC ja suhteline niiskus (50 ± 5)%
= ambient temperature of (23 ± 2) °C and a relative humidity of (50 ± 5) %
(iii) nõude kohaldatavuse asjaolu
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15026, condition:
nõudega seotud mõõdetav atribuut, mis näitab asjaolu või sündmust, mille korral nõue kehtib
= measurable qualitative or quantitative attribute that is stipulated for a requirement and that indicates a circumstance or event under which a requirement applies
(iv) hargnemissiiret määrav programmielement
vt ka
- tingimus (2)
- tingimus (3)