customs (1)
toll; tolliamet; tolliasutus

Wiktionary, noun:
1. (in the plural) the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods
2. (in the singular or uncountable) the government department or agency that is authorised to collect the taxes imposed on imported goods


väike tollisõnastik
customs authorities -- tolliasutus
customs border -- tollipiir
customs check -- tollikontroll, tolliülevaatus
customs clearance -- tollivormistus
customs declarant -- tollideklarant
customs declaration -- tollideklaratsioon
customs duty -- toll, tollilõiv, tollimaks
customs entry -- tollideklaratsioon
customs fee -- tollilõiv, toll, tollimaks
customs fine -- tollitrahv
customs house -- tollihoone
customs office -- tolliamet
customs officer -- tolliametnik
customs relief -- tollisoodustus
customs rules -- tollieeskirjad
customs search -- tollikontroll
customs store -- tolliladu
customs tariff -- tollitariif; tollimaks
customs terminal -- tolliterminal
customs treaty -- tollileping
customs union -- tolliliit
customs value -- tollimisväärtus
customs zone -- tolliala

Toimub laadimine

customs (1)
toll; tolliamet; tolliasutus

Wiktionary, noun:
1. (in the plural) the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods
2. (in the singular or uncountable) the government department or agency that is authorised to collect the taxes imposed on imported goods


väike tollisõnastik
customs authorities -- tolliasutus
customs border -- tollipiir
customs check -- tollikontroll, tolliülevaatus
customs clearance -- tollivormistus
customs declarant -- tollideklarant
customs declaration -- tollideklaratsioon
customs duty -- toll, tollilõiv, tollimaks
customs entry -- tollideklaratsioon
customs fee -- tollilõiv, toll, tollimaks
customs fine -- tollitrahv
customs house -- tollihoone
customs office -- tolliamet
customs officer -- tolliametnik
customs relief -- tollisoodustus
customs rules -- tollieeskirjad
customs search -- tollikontroll
customs store -- tolliladu
customs tariff -- tollitariif; tollimaks
customs terminal -- tolliterminal
customs treaty -- tollileping
customs union -- tolliliit
customs value -- tollimisväärtus
customs zone -- tolliala

Palun oodake...


customs (1)
toll; tolliamet; tolliasutus

Wiktionary, noun:
1. (in the plural) the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods
2. (in the singular or uncountable) the government department or agency that is authorised to collect the taxes imposed on imported goods


väike tollisõnastik
customs authorities -- tolliasutus
customs border -- tollipiir
customs check -- tollikontroll, tolliülevaatus
customs clearance -- tollivormistus
customs declarant -- tollideklarant
customs declaration -- tollideklaratsioon
customs duty -- toll, tollilõiv, tollimaks
customs entry -- tollideklaratsioon
customs fee -- tollilõiv, toll, tollimaks
customs fine -- tollitrahv
customs house -- tollihoone
customs office -- tolliamet
customs officer -- tolliametnik
customs relief -- tollisoodustus
customs rules -- tollieeskirjad
customs search -- tollikontroll
customs store -- tolliladu
customs tariff -- tollitariif; tollimaks
customs terminal -- tolliterminal
customs treaty -- tollileping
customs union -- tolliliit
customs value -- tollimisväärtus
customs zone -- tolliala

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