certificate generation application
sertifikaadi genereerimise rakendus, CGA

prTS 419221:
rakenduselementide kogum, tellib SVD-andmed seadmelt, mis direktiivsertifikaadi genereerimiseks genereerib SCD ja SVD paari;
CGA kontrollib SVD autentsust
(i) SCD ja SVD vahelise vastavuse SSCD-tõestusega ning
(ii) kontrollides saadud SVD saatjat ja terviklust
= collection of application elements which requests the (SVD) from the device generating the SCD/SVD pair for
generation of the qualified certificate
The CGA stipulates the generation of a correspondent SCD/SVD pair, if the requested SVD has not been generated by the SCD/SVD generation device yet. The CGA verifies the
authenticity of the SVD by means of (a) the SSCD proof of correspondence between SCD and SVD and (b)
checking the sender and integrity of the received SVD.
(SGA = certificate generation application
SCD = signature creation data
SSCD = secure signature-creation device
SVD = signature verification data)

Toimub laadimine

certificate generation application
sertifikaadi genereerimise rakendus, CGA

prTS 419221:
rakenduselementide kogum, tellib SVD-andmed seadmelt, mis direktiivsertifikaadi genereerimiseks genereerib SCD ja SVD paari;
CGA kontrollib SVD autentsust
(i) SCD ja SVD vahelise vastavuse SSCD-tõestusega ning
(ii) kontrollides saadud SVD saatjat ja terviklust
= collection of application elements which requests the (SVD) from the device generating the SCD/SVD pair for
generation of the qualified certificate
The CGA stipulates the generation of a correspondent SCD/SVD pair, if the requested SVD has not been generated by the SCD/SVD generation device yet. The CGA verifies the
authenticity of the SVD by means of (a) the SSCD proof of correspondence between SCD and SVD and (b)
checking the sender and integrity of the received SVD.
(SGA = certificate generation application
SCD = signature creation data
SSCD = secure signature-creation device
SVD = signature verification data)

Palun oodake...


certificate generation application
sertifikaadi genereerimise rakendus, CGA

prTS 419221:
rakenduselementide kogum, tellib SVD-andmed seadmelt, mis direktiivsertifikaadi genereerimiseks genereerib SCD ja SVD paari;
CGA kontrollib SVD autentsust
(i) SCD ja SVD vahelise vastavuse SSCD-tõestusega ning
(ii) kontrollides saadud SVD saatjat ja terviklust
= collection of application elements which requests the (SVD) from the device generating the SCD/SVD pair for
generation of the qualified certificate
The CGA stipulates the generation of a correspondent SCD/SVD pair, if the requested SVD has not been generated by the SCD/SVD generation device yet. The CGA verifies the
authenticity of the SVD by means of (a) the SSCD proof of correspondence between SCD and SVD and (b)
checking the sender and integrity of the received SVD.
(SGA = certificate generation application
SCD = signature creation data
SSCD = secure signature-creation device
SVD = signature verification data)

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