subject of proof

Kriminaalmenetluse seadustik:
§ 62. Tõendamisese
Tõendamiseseme asjaolud on:
1) kuriteo toimepanemise aeg, koht ja viis ning muud kuriteo tehiolud;
2) kuriteokoosseis;
3) kuriteo toimepannud isiku süü;
4) kuriteo toimepannud isikut iseloomustavad andmed ja muud tema vastutust mõjutavad asjaolud.
= Code of Criminal Procedure (Estonia):
§ 62. Subject of proof
The facts relating to a subject of proof are:
1) the time, place and manner of commission of the criminal offence and other facts relating to the criminal offence;
2) the necessary elements of the criminal offence;
3) the guilt of the person who committed the criminal offence;
4) information describing the person who committed the criminal offence, and other circumstances affecting the liability of the person.

Toimub laadimine

subject of proof

Kriminaalmenetluse seadustik:
§ 62. Tõendamisese
Tõendamiseseme asjaolud on:
1) kuriteo toimepanemise aeg, koht ja viis ning muud kuriteo tehiolud;
2) kuriteokoosseis;
3) kuriteo toimepannud isiku süü;
4) kuriteo toimepannud isikut iseloomustavad andmed ja muud tema vastutust mõjutavad asjaolud.
= Code of Criminal Procedure (Estonia):
§ 62. Subject of proof
The facts relating to a subject of proof are:
1) the time, place and manner of commission of the criminal offence and other facts relating to the criminal offence;
2) the necessary elements of the criminal offence;
3) the guilt of the person who committed the criminal offence;
4) information describing the person who committed the criminal offence, and other circumstances affecting the liability of the person.

Palun oodake...


subject of proof

Kriminaalmenetluse seadustik:
§ 62. Tõendamisese
Tõendamiseseme asjaolud on:
1) kuriteo toimepanemise aeg, koht ja viis ning muud kuriteo tehiolud;
2) kuriteokoosseis;
3) kuriteo toimepannud isiku süü;
4) kuriteo toimepannud isikut iseloomustavad andmed ja muud tema vastutust mõjutavad asjaolud.
= Code of Criminal Procedure (Estonia):
§ 62. Subject of proof
The facts relating to a subject of proof are:
1) the time, place and manner of commission of the criminal offence and other facts relating to the criminal offence;
2) the necessary elements of the criminal offence;
3) the guilt of the person who committed the criminal offence;
4) information describing the person who committed the criminal offence, and other circumstances affecting the liability of the person.

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.