abonent; tellija (1)

teenuse klient
= the client of a service

1. a person who subscribes to a publication or a service.
2. (programming) a system or component that subscribes to something, such as an event, made available by a publisher

pool, kes/mis sai tõenditeenuse andjalt mandaadi või identsustõendi
= the party that received the mandate or identity certificate from the certification service provider

prTS 419221:
olem, kes/mis on usaldusteenuse tarnija teenusetellijaks, olles juriidiliselt seotud ETSI EN 319401 määratletud abonendikohustustega
= entity subscribing with a trust service provider who is legally bound to any subscriber obligations (defined in ETSI EN 319 401

vt ka
- aboneerima
- abonentpostkast
- tellija (2)

Toimub laadimine

abonent; tellija (1)

teenuse klient
= the client of a service

1. a person who subscribes to a publication or a service.
2. (programming) a system or component that subscribes to something, such as an event, made available by a publisher

pool, kes/mis sai tõenditeenuse andjalt mandaadi või identsustõendi
= the party that received the mandate or identity certificate from the certification service provider

prTS 419221:
olem, kes/mis on usaldusteenuse tarnija teenusetellijaks, olles juriidiliselt seotud ETSI EN 319401 määratletud abonendikohustustega
= entity subscribing with a trust service provider who is legally bound to any subscriber obligations (defined in ETSI EN 319 401

vt ka
- aboneerima
- abonentpostkast
- tellija (2)

Palun oodake...


abonent; tellija (1)

teenuse klient
= the client of a service

1. a person who subscribes to a publication or a service.
2. (programming) a system or component that subscribes to something, such as an event, made available by a publisher

pool, kes/mis sai tõenditeenuse andjalt mandaadi või identsustõendi
= the party that received the mandate or identity certificate from the certification service provider

prTS 419221:
olem, kes/mis on usaldusteenuse tarnija teenusetellijaks, olles juriidiliselt seotud ETSI EN 319401 määratletud abonendikohustustega
= entity subscribing with a trust service provider who is legally bound to any subscriber obligations (defined in ETSI EN 319 401

vt ka
- aboneerima
- abonentpostkast
- tellija (2)

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.