security functional requirement
funktsionaalne turvanõue, SFR-nõue
ISO 23195, CC:
nõue, mis määratleb hindamisobjekti võimu, millega hindamisobjekt valitseb oma ressursside juurdepääsu ja kasutamist, seega oma kontrolli all olevat teavet ja teenuseid
= requirement defining the rule by which the TOE governs access to and use of its resources, and thus information and services controlled by the TOE
ISO/IEC 15408:
security requirement, which contributes to fulfil the target of evaluation (TOE) security problem definition (SPD) (as defined in a specific security target (ST) or in a protection profile (PP)
Note. A security functional requirement can be addressed directly as in the direct rationale model, or indirectly, through the security objectives for the TOE, as in the general model.
vt ka
- funktsionaalnõuete spetsifikatsioon
- tagatislik turvanõue