substrate (1)
substraat; alusmaterjal; alusaine; toitekeskkond

sõltub valdkonnast

1. (biochemistry) what an enzyme acts upon
2. (biology) a surface on which an organism grows, or to which an organism or an item is attached
3. an underlying layer; a substratum
4. (linguistics) a language that is replaced in a population by another language and that influences the language imposed on its speakers
5. (plating) a metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties
6. (construction) a surface to which a substance adheres
7. the substance lining the bottom edge of an enclosure

ISO 22300:
väljastpoolt maksumärgistaja asukohta pärit maksumärgi materjal
= material that a tax stamp is made of when it is produced away from the site of the tax stamp applier


Toimub laadimine

substrate (1)
substraat; alusmaterjal; alusaine; toitekeskkond

sõltub valdkonnast

1. (biochemistry) what an enzyme acts upon
2. (biology) a surface on which an organism grows, or to which an organism or an item is attached
3. an underlying layer; a substratum
4. (linguistics) a language that is replaced in a population by another language and that influences the language imposed on its speakers
5. (plating) a metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties
6. (construction) a surface to which a substance adheres
7. the substance lining the bottom edge of an enclosure

ISO 22300:
väljastpoolt maksumärgistaja asukohta pärit maksumärgi materjal
= material that a tax stamp is made of when it is produced away from the site of the tax stamp applier


Palun oodake...


substrate (1)
substraat; alusmaterjal; alusaine; toitekeskkond

sõltub valdkonnast

1. (biochemistry) what an enzyme acts upon
2. (biology) a surface on which an organism grows, or to which an organism or an item is attached
3. an underlying layer; a substratum
4. (linguistics) a language that is replaced in a population by another language and that influences the language imposed on its speakers
5. (plating) a metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties
6. (construction) a surface to which a substance adheres
7. the substance lining the bottom edge of an enclosure

ISO 22300:
väljastpoolt maksumärgistaja asukohta pärit maksumärgi materjal
= material that a tax stamp is made of when it is produced away from the site of the tax stamp applier


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