security mechanism

(a) turvapoliitika elluviimise meetod, instrument või protseduur

NIST SP 800-160:
a method, tool, or procedure that is the realization of security requirements
Note 1. A security mechanism exists in machine, technology, human, and physical forms.
Note 2. A security mechanism reflects security and trust principles.
Note 3. A security mechanism may enforce security policy and therefore must have capabilities consistent with the intent of the security policy.

(b) turvateenuse teostust võimaldav protsess või seda sisaldav vahend, näiteks kontrollkood, krüpteerimine, liikluse täidistus
= a process enabling the implementation of a security service or a tool containing it, for example a checksum, encryption, traffic padding

(c) tehnilise turvameetme teostuse vahend
= means of implementing a technical security measure


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security mechanism

(a) turvapoliitika elluviimise meetod, instrument või protseduur

NIST SP 800-160:
a method, tool, or procedure that is the realization of security requirements
Note 1. A security mechanism exists in machine, technology, human, and physical forms.
Note 2. A security mechanism reflects security and trust principles.
Note 3. A security mechanism may enforce security policy and therefore must have capabilities consistent with the intent of the security policy.

(b) turvateenuse teostust võimaldav protsess või seda sisaldav vahend, näiteks kontrollkood, krüpteerimine, liikluse täidistus
= a process enabling the implementation of a security service or a tool containing it, for example a checksum, encryption, traffic padding

(c) tehnilise turvameetme teostuse vahend
= means of implementing a technical security measure


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security mechanism

(a) turvapoliitika elluviimise meetod, instrument või protseduur

NIST SP 800-160:
a method, tool, or procedure that is the realization of security requirements
Note 1. A security mechanism exists in machine, technology, human, and physical forms.
Note 2. A security mechanism reflects security and trust principles.
Note 3. A security mechanism may enforce security policy and therefore must have capabilities consistent with the intent of the security policy.

(b) turvateenuse teostust võimaldav protsess või seda sisaldav vahend, näiteks kontrollkood, krüpteerimine, liikluse täidistus
= a process enabling the implementation of a security service or a tool containing it, for example a checksum, encryption, traffic padding

(c) tehnilise turvameetme teostuse vahend
= means of implementing a technical security measure


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