assist (1)
abistama; abi

Wiktionary, verb: 1 to help
Wktionary, noun: 1. a helpful action or an act of giving

ISO/IEC 25062:
testija sekkumine otsese protseduuriabina, mida annab testi korraldaja testiosalisele, kui see ei suuda ise testimist jätkata
= tester intervention in the form of direct procedural help provided by the test administrator to the test participant in order to allow the test to continue when the participant could not complete the tasks on their own

Toimub laadimine

assist (1)
abistama; abi

Wiktionary, verb: 1 to help
Wktionary, noun: 1. a helpful action or an act of giving

ISO/IEC 25062:
testija sekkumine otsese protseduuriabina, mida annab testi korraldaja testiosalisele, kui see ei suuda ise testimist jätkata
= tester intervention in the form of direct procedural help provided by the test administrator to the test participant in order to allow the test to continue when the participant could not complete the tasks on their own

Palun oodake...


assist (1)
abistama; abi

Wiktionary, verb: 1 to help
Wktionary, noun: 1. a helpful action or an act of giving

ISO/IEC 25062:
testija sekkumine otsese protseduuriabina, mida annab testi korraldaja testiosalisele, kui see ei suuda ise testimist jätkata
= tester intervention in the form of direct procedural help provided by the test administrator to the test participant in order to allow the test to continue when the participant could not complete the tasks on their own

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.