

nimeline olemi karakteristik või omadus,
millega saab kirjeldada ta olekut, ilmet või muid aspekte

1. a characteristic or quality of a thing
His finest attribute is his kindness.
5. (computing, object-oriented programming) an option or setting belonging to some object
This packet has its coherency attribute set to zero.
A file with the read-only attribute set cannot be overwritten.
6. (programming) a semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated
Properties can be marked as obsolete with an attribute, which will cause the compiler to generate a warning if they are used.

ISO/IEC 2382-36:
objekti või olemi karakteristik
= characteristic of an object or entity

ISO 22300:
informatsiooni kategooria, mis objektide identifitseerimise ja autentimise süsteemides moodustab sisu
= category of information that comprises the content of object identification and authentication systems

ISO/IEC 11179-3:
objekti(stiku) tunnusomadus
= characteristic of an object or set of objects


attribute compartment -- atribuudilahter
attribute for quality measure -- kvaliteediatribuut
attributive entity type -- atributiivne olemitüüp

vt ka
- atribuudi paljastamine
- atribuudipõhine pääsu reguleerimine
- koogi atribuut
- kvaliteediatribuut
- tundlik atribuut
- turvaatribuut
- atribuutkrüpteerimine

Toimub laadimine



nimeline olemi karakteristik või omadus,
millega saab kirjeldada ta olekut, ilmet või muid aspekte

1. a characteristic or quality of a thing
His finest attribute is his kindness.
5. (computing, object-oriented programming) an option or setting belonging to some object
This packet has its coherency attribute set to zero.
A file with the read-only attribute set cannot be overwritten.
6. (programming) a semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated
Properties can be marked as obsolete with an attribute, which will cause the compiler to generate a warning if they are used.

ISO/IEC 2382-36:
objekti või olemi karakteristik
= characteristic of an object or entity

ISO 22300:
informatsiooni kategooria, mis objektide identifitseerimise ja autentimise süsteemides moodustab sisu
= category of information that comprises the content of object identification and authentication systems

ISO/IEC 11179-3:
objekti(stiku) tunnusomadus
= characteristic of an object or set of objects


attribute compartment -- atribuudilahter
attribute for quality measure -- kvaliteediatribuut
attributive entity type -- atributiivne olemitüüp

vt ka
- atribuudi paljastamine
- atribuudipõhine pääsu reguleerimine
- koogi atribuut
- kvaliteediatribuut
- tundlik atribuut
- turvaatribuut
- atribuutkrüpteerimine

Palun oodake...




nimeline olemi karakteristik või omadus,
millega saab kirjeldada ta olekut, ilmet või muid aspekte

1. a characteristic or quality of a thing
His finest attribute is his kindness.
5. (computing, object-oriented programming) an option or setting belonging to some object
This packet has its coherency attribute set to zero.
A file with the read-only attribute set cannot be overwritten.
6. (programming) a semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated
Properties can be marked as obsolete with an attribute, which will cause the compiler to generate a warning if they are used.

ISO/IEC 2382-36:
objekti või olemi karakteristik
= characteristic of an object or entity

ISO 22300:
informatsiooni kategooria, mis objektide identifitseerimise ja autentimise süsteemides moodustab sisu
= category of information that comprises the content of object identification and authentication systems

ISO/IEC 11179-3:
objekti(stiku) tunnusomadus
= characteristic of an object or set of objects


attribute compartment -- atribuudilahter
attribute for quality measure -- kvaliteediatribuut
attributive entity type -- atributiivne olemitüüp

vt ka
- atribuudi paljastamine
- atribuudipõhine pääsu reguleerimine
- koogi atribuut
- kvaliteediatribuut
- tundlik atribuut
- turvaatribuut
- atribuutkrüpteerimine

Andmete allalaadimisel või töötlemisel esines tehniline tõrge.