association (1)
side (2)
olemite seos formaalkeeltes ja protokollides
tegija ja kasutusmalli vaheline suhe,
mis näitab, et see olem
interakteerib süsteemiga
selle kasutusmalli kaudu
= a relationship between an actor and a use case
that indicates that the actor interacts with the system
by means of the use case
ISO/IEC 14752:
konkreetset töötlusinteraktsiooni toetav
protokolliobjektide vaheline suhe,
mis on loodud sõltumatult protokolli andmevahetusest
= a relationship (binding) between protocol objects (or between a protocol object and an interceptor) that is established independently of the protocol exchanges that support a particular computational interaction.
associated files -- seotud failid
association class -- sidemeklass
association end -- sidemeots
association notation -- sideesitus
vt ka
- side (1)
- side (3)