authentication certificate
autentimissertifikaat; autentsustunnistus

ISO/IEC 10181:
turvasertifikaat, mida tagab autentimisorgan ja millega saab tõendada olemi identiteeti
= a security certificate that is guaranteed by an authentication authority and that may be used to assure the identity of an entity

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authentication certificate
autentimissertifikaat; autentsustunnistus

ISO/IEC 10181:
turvasertifikaat, mida tagab autentimisorgan ja millega saab tõendada olemi identiteeti
= a security certificate that is guaranteed by an authentication authority and that may be used to assure the identity of an entity

Palun oodake...


authentication certificate
autentimissertifikaat; autentsustunnistus

ISO/IEC 10181:
turvasertifikaat, mida tagab autentimisorgan ja millega saab tõendada olemi identiteeti
= a security certificate that is guaranteed by an authentication authority and that may be used to assure the identity of an entity

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