active topology

(a) võrgu topoloogia, mille puhul võimendatakse edastatavat signaali igal hopil
= a network topology where the signal is amplified at each step as it passes from one computer to the next
(b) võrgu topolooogia, mille puhul arvutid ise hoolitsevad andmete võrkusaatmise eest
= a network topology in which the computers themselves are responsible for sending the data along the network

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active topology

(a) võrgu topoloogia, mille puhul võimendatakse edastatavat signaali igal hopil
= a network topology where the signal is amplified at each step as it passes from one computer to the next
(b) võrgu topolooogia, mille puhul arvutid ise hoolitsevad andmete võrkusaatmise eest
= a network topology in which the computers themselves are responsible for sending the data along the network

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active topology

(a) võrgu topoloogia, mille puhul võimendatakse edastatavat signaali igal hopil
= a network topology where the signal is amplified at each step as it passes from one computer to the next
(b) võrgu topolooogia, mille puhul arvutid ise hoolitsevad andmete võrkusaatmise eest
= a network topology in which the computers themselves are responsible for sending the data along the network

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